His sales line ---->>    13 Year Veteran Day Trader Turned Mentor/Teacher. 📈 🚀 Learn How I Made $70k In 1 Month As A College Dropout

It is easy to make $70k in a month, but try and keep it. Did he keep it?

Another sales pitch he has on his website is --->>   Are you stuck at a desk job that you hate? Think about if you could work from anywhere in the world!

Any real trader knows that they would rather be at home and in front of the screens and especially for day trading you often need to be watching 10 hours a day. Not be on a beach somewhere sipping cocktails while trying to look at your computer screen that you can't see because of the glare.

Cameron's trading setup can be found here.

Our friend Coffeezila on YouTube has produced a video of Camerous Fous's latest "scheme". It discusses IQ Trade and Hey Forex and the risks with unregulated brokers. It also explains how dumb the weekly returns of 2-8% are just stupid and as soon as you see that you should avoid at all costs. Cameron's video explaining using bots to trade states that Cameron thought that all trading bots were scams for many years, until he found on that works... his one!!! Sure Cameron, sure it works. Many things "work" till they don't.
