Blog Posts

Blog Posts

How Scott Pape The BareFoot Investor Got Rich
Just like many of the furu's listed on Share Trading Guru Scott Pape also got rich by telling people how
Why You Should Never Average Down
You might have heard the saying "losers average losers"? Well it's one of those common sayings that is actually true.
Companies You Should Not Deal With
When wondering if that company you are looking to make an investment in might be dodgy where do you turn
Stop losses - When, Where, why and How?
For those who are interested in capital preservation!The first issue is whether you use a stop, consensus points towards the
Can You Make Money Trading Around Dividends
You might have noticed some stocks go up before going ex-dividend? But can you make money by trading this movement?
Why You Should Never Use Dividend Reinvestment Plans
You will sometimes here people say they receive no income each year as they just reinvest those dividends or distributions
How I Became Interested in investing?
A blog post by TheGladiatorHC on Twitter. Growing up my parents invested quite a bit in real estate so in
An Interview With Eloise Williams From The Stonk Market
Background of yourself? I'm an 87 year-old grandmother.  I first found out about the internet in January and decided to
Is Commission Drag Making You Lose?
Some people make things so hard for themselves in life and even when trading or investing. In life they do
What Motivates People To Succeed in Trading/Investing?
People choose to trading or invest for many reasons. We asked some people why they are doing it. The answers
The 4 Phases Share Traders Go Through
1st Phase: Learning New traders, this is learning markets, macro/micro, what drives markets historically/‘normally’. Developing and experienced traders, it’s identifying
The Best Share Trading Books
If you are looking for some good books to learn how to trade or if you are looking to take
List of 116 of The Best Trading Quotes
We have complied a huge list of 116 of the best trading quotes for your enjoyment. We all know that
Best Share Trading Broker in Australia
So you are looking to get started trading or investing? We have put together this great list of resources for
what to ask when interviewing an FX trader
So you are looking to employ an FX trader and you want to ask them some questions to gauge if
Is pinprotrade pinnacle rtgtrading a scam?
Our friend Peter has looked at a possible investment as their friend Keith said her invested and made lots of
Benny Lane - How I quit my job in 159 days
This article was released back in 2016 when Infinite Prosperity was grasping at market strategies and they thought this sneaky
Below is a scraped version of the Shark Tank Bitcoin scam landing page. We have removed all evidence of the
Cameron Fous's Trading Setup Equipment
So what does Cameron use to trade? That is when he is pretending to trade while growing his social media